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Find the sign 1.4
Basic arithmetic with a twist. Solve number sentences using logic& calculation.
Pair pattern 1.4
Teachbasix Technologies LLP
An early introduction to algebraic thinking – these sums askchildren to derive the relationship between pairs of numbers. Easylevel puzzles are appropriate for children of classes I-II, but thedifficult level puzzles can floor even middle school children! Thismath exercise for children is very useful for classroom usage aswell as math workout at home. This math puzzle comes fromTeachbasix: creators of many logical math puzzles. All of them aregreat classroom resources for teaching primary grade children. Allthese puzzles hone your child’s logical reasoning abilities as wellas calculation skills. These math puzzles are more effective formath skill improvement than plain logic puzzles – because thesepuzzles ask your children to do some mental calculation too, inaddition to employing logic. The rules are simple for a child tounderstand. The right hand side numbers are related to the lefthand side numbers. Observe the three pairs of numbers carefully andfind the relationship. Use the same relationship to find theright-hand side number of the fourth pair. Finding therelationships requires ability to recognize patterns and spotalgebraic relationships between numbers. Deriving the fourth numberbased on that relationship requires mental math skills. There areunlimited number of puzzles. You can monitor your child’s accuracyand average time taken to solve sums in each difficulty level. Thebadge system (silver, gold, platinum) provides a quick preview ofyour child’s progress. This app is nominally priced. We believe anad-free experience is imperative for your child to focus withoutany distraction.
Multiplication Kakuro puzzle 1.4
Teachbasix Technologies LLP
If you like Sudoku or Addition Kakuro, then you will surely loveMultiplication Kakuro! This is currently the only MultiplicationKakuro app in the play store. It helps your primary grade childpractice multiplication and division in a fun way. Great forclassroom usage as well as practice at home. Give your child thisgift to wean her away from TV and to see her logical abilities andcalculations skills soar. This math puzzle comes from Teachbasix:creators of many logical math puzzles. All of them are greatclassroom resources for teaching primary grade children. All thesepuzzles hone your child’s logical reasoning abilities as well ascalculation skills. These math puzzles are more effective for mathskill improvement than plain logic puzzles – because these puzzlesask your children to do some mental calculation too, in addition toemploying logic. It features various difficulty levels appropriatefor primary grade or elementary school kids between 5-15 years ofage. Easy levels are just a little more complicated than breakingup a number into two factors. Difficult levels can challenge evenmiddle school children! The rules are simple for a child tounderstand. Each grid has shaded rows and columns that contain theclue. The clue number is the product of the empty white cells belowit, or beside it. The objective of the game is to find the numbersin the white cells based on the clue numbers. You need to be strongin Sudoku type logical ability as well as in multiplication tosolve this math puzzle. There are unlimited number of puzzles. Youcan monitor your child’s accuracy and average time taken to solvesums in each difficulty level. The badge system (silver, gold,platinum) provides a quick preview of your child’s progress. Thisapp is nominally priced. We believe an ad-free experience isimperative for your child to focus without any distraction.
Magic Triangle 1.4
Number puzzle for primary level kids. Hones calculation and logicalreasoning.
Magic Square 1.4
Logical reasoning + Basic Calculation for your child.
Place Value 1.2
Teachbasix Technologies LLP
This learning app for kids comes from Teachbasix – creators of manylearning apps for 3-8 year old kids to hone their reading abilityand the basic number concepts. There are three activities. ‘TellNumber’, ‘Make Number’, and ‘Big or Small’. Each of theseactivities are aimed at strengthening your child’s number conceptsby familiarizing them with the place-value based number system. ForTell Number, the program shows a number of sticks (each stickrepresents a 10) and cubes (each cube represents 1). The child hasto write the number with the number keyboard inside the app. InMake Number, a number is shown, and the child is supposed to makethat number using tens (sticks) and ones (cubes). For example, if68 is shown, the child is supposed to drag 6 sticks and 8 cubesfrom a pile of sticks and cubes represented at the bottom of thescreen. In Big or Small, the child is given two numbers. At first,he/she is supposed to make the numbers using tens (sticks) and ones(cubes). Once that is done, he/she is supposed to visually inspectit and say which number is big. These math games are useful inhelping your child learn the place-value system and thereby canstrengthen his/her number concepts. This learning app is good forclassroom usage as well as math practice at home. You can monitorthe progress of your child (or if you are a teacher, you canmonitor the progress of your class), using the accuracy and averagetime taken metric given in the scorecard. The badge system (silver,gold, platinum) provides a quick preview of your child’s progress.This app is nominally priced. We believe an ad-free experience isimperative for your child to focus without any distraction.
Mental Math 1.2
Teachbasix Technologies LLP
This learning app for kids comes from Teachbasix – creators of manylearning apps for 3-8 year old kids to hone their reading abilityand basic number concepts. In this app, students can practicedouble-digit addition-subtraction, with carryover/borrow andwithout carryover/borrow. The place-value method is used forguiding the student through each sum – as a result number conceptsbecome strengthened and students acquire the ability to do thesesums mentally. Students are aided by the familiar stick-cube (tensand ones) process that they used in our Place Value app. This appcan aid self-learning through the HELP button – when pressed, itshows an animation to demonstrate the addition or subtractionprocess through the use of place-value system. This learning app isgood for classroom usage as well as math practices at home. You canmonitor the progress of your child (or if you are a teacher, youcan monitor the progress of your class), using the accuracy andaverage time taken metric given in the scorecard. The badge system(silver, gold, platinum) provides a quick preview of your child’sprogress. This app is nominally priced. We believe an ad-freeexperience is imperative for your child to focus without anydistraction.
First Math 1.2
Teach basic addition subtraction using place value system. For 4-6year olds.
Skip counting – number pattern 1.2
Teachbasix Technologies LLP
This learning app for kids comes from the Teachbasix – creators ofmany learning apps for 3-8 year old kids to hone their readingability and basic number concepts. In this app, students canpractice skip counting (repeated addition of a number to a givenstart number). This can be helpful for learning multiplicationlater on (after all, multiplication table of 4 is nothing butrepeated addition of 4, starting with 4). The skip counting app isalso useful for simple practice of addition subtraction byrecognizing patterns. For smaller children (4-5 years), it isuseful for practicing before-after numbers in a fun way. Thislearning app is good for classroom usage as well as math practiceat home. You can monitor the progress of your child (or if you area teacher, you can monitor the progress of your class), using theaccuracy and average time taken metric given in the scorecard. Thebadge system (silver, gold, platinum) provides a quick preview ofyour child’s progress. This app is nominally priced. We believe anad-free experience is imperative for your child to focus withoutany distraction.
First reading 1.2
Read sentences using most frequently occurring phonetic and sightwords.
Nonogram Unlimited 1.2
Unlimited nonograms. No pre-set designs. For adults and kids alike.
Shikaku Unlimited 1.2
This logical reasoning puzzle for kids comes from Teachbasix–creators of many puzzles that hone your child’s logicalreasoningabilities, spatial reasoning skills and calculationskills. Shikakuhelps honing your logical and spatial reasoningskills. Our Shikakuapp features unlimited number of Shikakupuzzles, which isdifferent from most other Shikaku apps which giveyou only alimited number with pre-fed designs. Our aim was to makeShikakupuzzles of appropriate difficulty for kids 6-15 years ofage, tohone their logical reasoning skills. However, this is apuzzle evenadults might enjoy solving in their spare time! Therules aresimple. Some cells have a clue number. The whole grid willhave tobe divided into some rectangles (or squares). Each rectangleshouldcontain one and only one clue number inside it and that cluenumberdenotes how many small boxes are contained within thatrectangle.For a more visual explanation, download the app, and lookat thehelp page. This puzzle is good for classroom usage too. Thereareunlimited number of exercises. You can monitor yourchild’saccuracy and average time taken to solve sums in eachdifficultylevel. The badge system (silver, gold, platinum) providesa quickpreview of your child’s progress. This app is free. If youlikethis app, support us by buying our other logical math appsandfoundational learning apps available in the Play Store.